Tuesday, May 24, 2011

blog entry 21.reflection

My best works are Hype, Truman Show and Meatrix. I consider those one of my best works because I felt that I developed a good work through to the essay. Also, I felt more comfortable writing about ideas that I know more and that I have more reasons and examples to write about it. It s not pleasure when I have to write about something that I don’t like or have no arguments for.
            Writing online was my first experience and I really didn’t feel comfortable about it, maybe because I m not a big fan of technology, and also probably because I like the old school way. Writing online I believe that helped me come up with my ideas and thought faster than when I write on paper. I thought that could be more shared since it is online but I felt that I read more my classmates work than them read mine work because I never anyone responded to any of my works.
            I will be taking with me the lesson about Meatrix, it was very interesting and I could learn something good for my personal life. The only thing that I did like to discuss more was about our essays corrections, I thought that we could be writing you more back to get more specific answers about what we still writing wrong or where we did good improvement. I still not get it my weak point when I write essays. I will give a recommendation if he/she likes or feel comfortable with taking online classes I would say go for it if not try to do his/her best to be on the same path as your classmates.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This picture shows us the real life of an immigrant in America. All immigrants come to America to realize the dream of living in America; they dream about make money and have a decent job. By the time they get here, all they can get are horrible jobs which will treat them like a slave. American companies treat them very bad because they know that they are illegal here and so they will pay them a very minimal wage without any benefits. Immigrants work very long hours, for minimum money, most of the jobs they performed are dangerous and they don’t have any protection or any kind of care. Also, they are not allowed to take vacation or time break. However, if you talk to an immigrant they will never complain, they know that they are making a very little money here, that they have a very bad job but compare to their money from where they came from it’s a lot of money and they need that money to support their family. I believe that situation will never change.  American people don’t care how much that little Mexican worked and how much they are making, but they don’t realize that without immigrants in America this country will never be able to run efficiently because American people are too good to be a dishwasher, to work in manufacture company or in a construction.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blog entry 16"Let Them Eat Fat"

In the article “Let Them Eat fat”, by Greg Critser, talks about how fast food have grown aggressively targeting their product in the poor neighborhood where most of their customers are young black kids, how these fast food incentive their customers to eat the super size meal for only a few cents more, and also points out the bad quality of food they serve and the  high number of calories a meal has.  I totally agree that fast food restaurants are more likely to find in the poor neighborhood than in rich area because of poor people don’t have money to buy expensive health food, so their only choice is fast food.
First of all, United States is recognized as one of the countries that has the highest number of fast food and chains restaurants in the world. In consequence of this, the country also has the highest number of people obesity in the world.  Most of the obesity people are from the poor community, that’s why fast food restaurants are more easily to find around poor area than around rich area. Poor people don’t have the education to assimilate this contrast. They don’t have money and want to eat a cheap meal which will make them feel full. Fast food restaurants will serve everything they need for only a few bucks, and they will leave the restaurant satisfied.
Second, we can noticed this very clear here in New York City, just take a walk around Bronx and Harlem and see how many Mc Donald’s or Burger King has around the neighborhood, a lot, and then walk around Park Avenue and see how many you will find, none. It’s a very nice example about how fast food is so smart for targeting their business around these kind of area, and poor people don’t realize about the the low price and the quality of food they are consuming every day.
In sum, fast food restaurants are easier to find in poor area than rich ones, the food quality  is not health, but has everything people are looking for, fat and cheap, and  also the quantity of calories a meal has is very higher than someone need.  In consequence of this, America will always break the record of obesity in the world. “Let Them Eat Fat”, and they still believe that very crunch French fries they eat is fresh.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Blog entry 15" The Meatrix

The movie The Meatrix shows us the reality of factory farming, and also points out some solutions and reasons to support the sustainable food and agriculture. The Meatrix points out the following problems with farming factory like animal treatment, antibiotics and hormones that are given to them, and also the destruction of the local farmers. These are only 3 problems of a lot more that farm factoring caused to our food and our life and because of these I m totally against farming factory. We have to be more aware about the food we eat and where it comes from.  
                First, have you seen how farming factory treat animals? Farming factory treat their animals as unit of production, rather than living animals. The animals are kept all together in a very small space where can’t even move, while in a farm conditions the animals have outside space and can deserve from a better treatment without suffer. Besides that, farming factory also debeaking chickens, cutting off cows’ tails which action cause pain, discomfort, and stress for the animals. For instance, the stress and pain can lead the animal to produce lower quality of meat, eggs or milk. That’s one of the reasons that farming factory should treat their animals much better, they should be treated as animal being and not as unit of production.
                Second, because of the crowed and unsanitary conditions these animals live, animals are fed doses of antibiotics. Those antibiotics cause animals to grow faster and also put on weight more efficiently, which for the producer is a good point because it will produce  more meat faster, and resulting more profit to the factory.On the other hand, for  us is horrible because the quality of the food is very bad and also we can get sick from the execisse antibiotics that the animal consume.  As the same as the artificial hormones which are implanted to the beef and dairy cattle to make them grow faster. Some researches show that the artificial hormones are related to some type of cancer that can be developing in human beings. One more reason for us to try banned the farming factory at all. They are more concern about the quantity than the quality of food is being produced.
                Third, farming factory not only produces a bad quality of food to our health, but they also destroy all the local communities’ farmers who care about the quality of food is being produced and also about the quality of treatment is being given to the animals. Many local farmer’s had to close down their business because of the opening of farming factory which action results in a high number of unemployment. We can add the dangerous that the employees have while are working at those factories and the low payment wage that they get paid. Also, the few farmers that still remaining cannot survive because of the price that the farming factory sells their food is lower than their. The farmers produce a better quality of food which is more expensive so people who don’t know about what happened to their food before they purchase it, won’t pay extra price for it. So, the only way to help the local farmers  is to start buy more fresh food, they are more expensive  but  fresher and healthier than the food from factoring industry.
                In sum, people need to be careful about what they are eating. Farming factories are horrible, starting with the quality of food they produce, than the bad way animals are treated , they are killing the local farmers, and it’s a dangerous job and unfair payment wage. People should visit more the local farmers market, the food that they produce is a little more expensive, but you are preventing yourself to get sick from the bad quality of food factories produce, you pay the price that should be to produce a fresh food and animals are happy there with good fed and outside space.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Blog Entry 14"

I think that the makers of The Meatrix films used The Matrix as basis of their arguments to show a world that we don't know. The Matrix movie show Neo the truth about the real world and The Meatrix show the Leo(the pig) the other world for the animals. A world where they were born to die and they are treated very bad.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"CAT essay Blog entry 11"

The article “The dangers of a Reality TV”, talks about how these reality shows have a strong influence in our society. Also, points out that these kind of shows want to send the same message about how competition is important in someone’s life, how “the value of image over ability and the obsolescence of education”. I agree that to be a winner or to play a role in one of these shows, your beauty counts more than your ability and also, that these kind of reality shows incentive a lot of competetition among people.
 First, have you ever noticed that the winner of a Reality show is always the pretty one? And not smart one. The media is not interesting in put an ugly person who will never call someone’s attention to win a Reality Show. Nowadays, people are so superficial that being a smart person is not a quality anymore.  Inside of this world of television, who has the nicest body and prettiest smile will be a winner?
 I remember once I was watching one Reality show which happens in my country Brazil. The reality show happens in a house during 3 months with 12 people. While they are living in this house, there are lots of games and competition happening to eliminate them. So, first they selected only beautiful people to participate, everyone very attractive. Second, the ones who are not that cute get the less number of votes and they are eliminated of the show. The winner is always the more attractive. It s something so obvious, that since the beginning of the reality show, everyone can figure out who is going to be the winner.
Second, this reality shows always create an environment of competition among people.  It gives an example to people that to be good you need to compete with others which is not true.  Nowadays companies are voiding competitions inside their environment because competition is a kind of feeling that put people against people and to have a good time where people work together to reach the companies point, competition are not recommended. I can see from the company where my best friend works, every week the company buys for the group lunch and happy hour. They get together to avoid the competition and to create a friendly environment among them. Competition is for the reality show and not a good example for real life.
In sum, Reality TV shows don’t bring anything interesting to someone’s life. Reality shows are all about competition between them to be the winner, and also to show who has the best image. At least the smart win because he/her deserves and not because of an “image packaged”.

"Blog entry10"

Claim : Take the blue pill and stay in the same world or take the red pill to live in a different world? I would go for the blue pill.
Reasons: I will take the blue pill and stay in the world that I know which I have totally control of my freedom.
Evidence : Because just to have the feeling that I can't control my life and my feelings scars me and I don t like to make a decision when there is no way back or no way to correct the decision that I made.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Blog entry 8 "The Truman Show"

           First, at the beginning, I thought that the world which was created for Truman seems to be a nice, peaceful one without any problems and stress but I would never like to live in a world like Christoff created for The Truman show because it is a fake life and world. People who were around him were never his friend; they were acting all the time and being nice and kind to Truman just because they were on TV and not because they were spontaneous. Truman never noticed that people around him like his mother, wife and best friend were lying to him all the time. Therefore, there  is no reason of been living a life which hasn’t belong to you, where the control of your thoughts and feelings are manipulated to someone else who is taking advantage of this situation and making money.
            Second, I believe that Christoff created an imaginary world where everything is under control and nothing bad can happen to him. A world where problems, violence, war, politics problems don’t exist. In this world people are happy all the time, no stress, no sadness, no dangerous. The creator intention is to make Truman to believe that he has a great life, a good job, nice people around him. He wants to eliminate our real society problems from his life, to protect him from everything. Besides that he wants to eliminate all the problems from Truman’s life he still leaving one, and I believe is that Truman is not happy with the world that Christoff thinks is perfect for him. Christoff forgot that what is good enough for him because he is leaving his dreaming of being the creator of the biggest live show ever and making thousands of money, it doesn’t mean is good for Truman. The creator forgot about the ethics; play with someone’s life without authorization is a crime. It is a life; Truman was treating like a doll, like a play role without knowing that he is actually acting for thousands of people.
            In sum, The Truman Show was a great movie, I could see that a life is not so perfect when real problems is not in it, we need to go out and see the real world and feel the freedom.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog entry 7!

I have never had an online class like this one. So this is my weak point technology, so far I believe I have been doing ok with the blog and activities to be completed. The CAT-W was ok, probably I’ve could done better if I had practice more. I believe that my weak point is to list the reasons to defend my claim, this point that I need to practice more. I had the passage which was talking about young kids experts with computers program and I agree with the passage supporting my claim with real example like Bill Gates, who started get interested with computers around the age 13 and also another one from my cousin who developed his skill with computer since he was 10 years old and he got a lots of help from a company which believed on his potential.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Blog entry 4: Hype workshop"

       In the article “Hype” the author talks about how advertisements are everywhere that our eyes can reach like “buses, billboards, stadiums", it says that advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants and also how the “increase in commercial advertising has happened so steadily and relentlessly that we haven’t quite waken up to the absurdity of it all". I agree on the author main idea because if we look around us, all that our eye is going to see is advertisement, any kind of space is a place to advertise.
        We never pay attention to figure how many advertisements we see in a day, but the article says that “commercial pollution floods your brain at the rate of about three thousands marketing messages per day”. You might think that is not possible but it is possible, we see so many advertisement that probably we understand that they have the right to advertise. Times Square is a perfect example of a public place that has been utilized by brands. When we get at Times square all we can see are advertisements. The building’s architecture is ignored, we don’t see them and more pollutants are throwing in our consciousness. There are some cities that cut off the advertisement in the public area or reduce the number of billboards, outdoors and etc and some more action should be done because our public spaces are turning in a privatized area and we should protect our public environment against these big advertisements industries.
            In sum, advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants. During our long day about three thousands marketing commercials affected our consciousness and there is nothing that we can do, every day more commercials are showing to us and more our public places are turning in abstract modern art which we don’t have the option to see or don’t see them.
         Have you ever noticed how the advertising industry has dominated the public space? Every place that our eyes can reach has a potential for advertising. We live surrounding of advertisements. They use many different ways to pollutants our mind like outdoors are everywhere, the traditional billboards, taxis, posters, side buses, electronic signs and etc. I had such a funny reaction another day when I saw for the first time a different way of advertisement. I was waiting for the train and when the train comes, the outside of the cars were all painted in red and white and also they draw the famous logistic dog of Target store. I started laugh and said to my friend: I guess they found another place to advertise. It was just too much the way they used all the train cars to advertise. The advertisements in public area are placed all the time in our consciousness that we can’t even escape or avoid them which is different when we see them on TV that we have the option to turn off whatever when we want.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog entry 3:"Hype" Summary

       In the article “Hype” the author talks about how advertisements are everywhere that our eyes can reach like “buses, billboards, stadiums. It also says that advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants and  how the “increase in commercial advertising has happened so steadily and relentlessly that we haven’t quite waken up to the absurdity of it all".
       I agree on the author main idea because if we look around us, all that our eye is going to see is advertisement, any kind of space is a place to advertise.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


            In the article “Hype” the author talks about how advertisements are everywhere that our eyes can reach like “buses, billboards, stadiums, it says that advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants and also how the “increase in commercial advertising has happened so steadily and relentlessly that we haven’t quite waken up to the absurdity of it all".
            Have you ever noticed how the advertising industry has dominated the public space? Every place that our eyes can reach has a potential for advertising. We live surrounding of advertisements. They use many different ways to pollutants our mind like outdoors are everywhere, the traditional billboards, taxis, posters, side buses, electronic signs and etc. I had such a funny reaction another day when I saw for the first time a different way of advertisement. I was waiting for the train and when the train comes, the outside of the cars were all painted in red and white and also they draw the famous logistic dog of Target store. I started laugh and said to my friend: I guess they found another place to advertise. It was just too much the way they used all the train cars to advertise. The advertisements in public area are placed all the time in our consciousness that we can’t even escape or avoid them which is different when we see them on TV that we have the option to turn off whatever when we want.
            We never pay attention to figure how many advertisements we see in a day, but the article says that “commercial pollution floods your brain at the rate of about three thousands marketing messages per day”. You might think that is not possible but it is possible, we see so many advertisement that probably we understand that they have the right to advertise. Times Square is a perfect example of a public place that has been utilized by brands. When we get at Times square all we can see are advertisements. The building’s architecture is ignored, we don’t see them and more pollutants are throwing in our consciousness. There are some cities that cut off the advertisement in the public area or reduce the number of billboards, outdoors and etc and some more action should be done because our public spaces are turning in a privatized area and we should protect our public environment against these big advertisements industries.
            In sum, advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants. During our long day about three thousands marketing commercials affected our consciousness and there is nothing that we can do, every day more commercials are showing to us and more our public places are turning in abstract modern art which we don’t have the option to see or don’t see them.