Monday, April 4, 2011

Blog entry 8 "The Truman Show"

           First, at the beginning, I thought that the world which was created for Truman seems to be a nice, peaceful one without any problems and stress but I would never like to live in a world like Christoff created for The Truman show because it is a fake life and world. People who were around him were never his friend; they were acting all the time and being nice and kind to Truman just because they were on TV and not because they were spontaneous. Truman never noticed that people around him like his mother, wife and best friend were lying to him all the time. Therefore, there  is no reason of been living a life which hasn’t belong to you, where the control of your thoughts and feelings are manipulated to someone else who is taking advantage of this situation and making money.
            Second, I believe that Christoff created an imaginary world where everything is under control and nothing bad can happen to him. A world where problems, violence, war, politics problems don’t exist. In this world people are happy all the time, no stress, no sadness, no dangerous. The creator intention is to make Truman to believe that he has a great life, a good job, nice people around him. He wants to eliminate our real society problems from his life, to protect him from everything. Besides that he wants to eliminate all the problems from Truman’s life he still leaving one, and I believe is that Truman is not happy with the world that Christoff thinks is perfect for him. Christoff forgot that what is good enough for him because he is leaving his dreaming of being the creator of the biggest live show ever and making thousands of money, it doesn’t mean is good for Truman. The creator forgot about the ethics; play with someone’s life without authorization is a crime. It is a life; Truman was treating like a doll, like a play role without knowing that he is actually acting for thousands of people.
            In sum, The Truman Show was a great movie, I could see that a life is not so perfect when real problems is not in it, we need to go out and see the real world and feel the freedom.

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