Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This picture shows us the real life of an immigrant in America. All immigrants come to America to realize the dream of living in America; they dream about make money and have a decent job. By the time they get here, all they can get are horrible jobs which will treat them like a slave. American companies treat them very bad because they know that they are illegal here and so they will pay them a very minimal wage without any benefits. Immigrants work very long hours, for minimum money, most of the jobs they performed are dangerous and they don’t have any protection or any kind of care. Also, they are not allowed to take vacation or time break. However, if you talk to an immigrant they will never complain, they know that they are making a very little money here, that they have a very bad job but compare to their money from where they came from it’s a lot of money and they need that money to support their family. I believe that situation will never change.  American people don’t care how much that little Mexican worked and how much they are making, but they don’t realize that without immigrants in America this country will never be able to run efficiently because American people are too good to be a dishwasher, to work in manufacture company or in a construction.

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