Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Blog entry 15" The Meatrix

The movie The Meatrix shows us the reality of factory farming, and also points out some solutions and reasons to support the sustainable food and agriculture. The Meatrix points out the following problems with farming factory like animal treatment, antibiotics and hormones that are given to them, and also the destruction of the local farmers. These are only 3 problems of a lot more that farm factoring caused to our food and our life and because of these I m totally against farming factory. We have to be more aware about the food we eat and where it comes from.  
                First, have you seen how farming factory treat animals? Farming factory treat their animals as unit of production, rather than living animals. The animals are kept all together in a very small space where can’t even move, while in a farm conditions the animals have outside space and can deserve from a better treatment without suffer. Besides that, farming factory also debeaking chickens, cutting off cows’ tails which action cause pain, discomfort, and stress for the animals. For instance, the stress and pain can lead the animal to produce lower quality of meat, eggs or milk. That’s one of the reasons that farming factory should treat their animals much better, they should be treated as animal being and not as unit of production.
                Second, because of the crowed and unsanitary conditions these animals live, animals are fed doses of antibiotics. Those antibiotics cause animals to grow faster and also put on weight more efficiently, which for the producer is a good point because it will produce  more meat faster, and resulting more profit to the factory.On the other hand, for  us is horrible because the quality of the food is very bad and also we can get sick from the execisse antibiotics that the animal consume.  As the same as the artificial hormones which are implanted to the beef and dairy cattle to make them grow faster. Some researches show that the artificial hormones are related to some type of cancer that can be developing in human beings. One more reason for us to try banned the farming factory at all. They are more concern about the quantity than the quality of food is being produced.
                Third, farming factory not only produces a bad quality of food to our health, but they also destroy all the local communities’ farmers who care about the quality of food is being produced and also about the quality of treatment is being given to the animals. Many local farmer’s had to close down their business because of the opening of farming factory which action results in a high number of unemployment. We can add the dangerous that the employees have while are working at those factories and the low payment wage that they get paid. Also, the few farmers that still remaining cannot survive because of the price that the farming factory sells their food is lower than their. The farmers produce a better quality of food which is more expensive so people who don’t know about what happened to their food before they purchase it, won’t pay extra price for it. So, the only way to help the local farmers  is to start buy more fresh food, they are more expensive  but  fresher and healthier than the food from factoring industry.
                In sum, people need to be careful about what they are eating. Farming factories are horrible, starting with the quality of food they produce, than the bad way animals are treated , they are killing the local farmers, and it’s a dangerous job and unfair payment wage. People should visit more the local farmers market, the food that they produce is a little more expensive, but you are preventing yourself to get sick from the bad quality of food factories produce, you pay the price that should be to produce a fresh food and animals are happy there with good fed and outside space.

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