Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blog entry 16"Let Them Eat Fat"

In the article “Let Them Eat fat”, by Greg Critser, talks about how fast food have grown aggressively targeting their product in the poor neighborhood where most of their customers are young black kids, how these fast food incentive their customers to eat the super size meal for only a few cents more, and also points out the bad quality of food they serve and the  high number of calories a meal has.  I totally agree that fast food restaurants are more likely to find in the poor neighborhood than in rich area because of poor people don’t have money to buy expensive health food, so their only choice is fast food.
First of all, United States is recognized as one of the countries that has the highest number of fast food and chains restaurants in the world. In consequence of this, the country also has the highest number of people obesity in the world.  Most of the obesity people are from the poor community, that’s why fast food restaurants are more easily to find around poor area than around rich area. Poor people don’t have the education to assimilate this contrast. They don’t have money and want to eat a cheap meal which will make them feel full. Fast food restaurants will serve everything they need for only a few bucks, and they will leave the restaurant satisfied.
Second, we can noticed this very clear here in New York City, just take a walk around Bronx and Harlem and see how many Mc Donald’s or Burger King has around the neighborhood, a lot, and then walk around Park Avenue and see how many you will find, none. It’s a very nice example about how fast food is so smart for targeting their business around these kind of area, and poor people don’t realize about the the low price and the quality of food they are consuming every day.
In sum, fast food restaurants are easier to find in poor area than rich ones, the food quality  is not health, but has everything people are looking for, fat and cheap, and  also the quantity of calories a meal has is very higher than someone need.  In consequence of this, America will always break the record of obesity in the world. “Let Them Eat Fat”, and they still believe that very crunch French fries they eat is fresh.

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